Between Particles and Waves 1
Initiated by Brad Downey, Jan Vormann with Jazoo Yang
2020 - 2024
A Minecraft server
This exhibition is the first of its kind that reunites a group of international artists who are known for their artistic practice in public spaces in cities throughout the world. The works created specifically for this virtual space of 28 Million x 28 Million x 256 Blocks was shown in the process of being constructed by Surry, a famous YouTuber from Italy.
During a short period of time in September, the world was open to the public. Everybody who had access to the game was invited to immerse into the environment and experience the artworks in-situ. There were guided tours in different languages.
Download press release ›
See our host Surry //Salvatore Cinquegrana, IT over on:
Surry @YouTube
SurryWasTaken @YouTube
IG @Surry
The server at shut down on April 20th 2024 - There were 3 editions of the project in total. Scroll through the chunks here.
There's also this website
According to your connection, the objects may load a little while. Please give us some time to optimize this in the near future. Scroll to zoom in, drag to change the angle.
Octavi Serra
John Fekner
Esther Stocker
Jan Vormann
Brad Downey
Jazoo Yang